PSERC’s CERTS Research
Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology Solutions (CERTS), formed in 1999 to research, develop and commercialize new methods, tools and technologies to protect and enhance the reliability of the U.S. electric power system. CERTS is conducting research for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability. CERTS is a consortium involving universities, national labs, and industry. The research through PSERC is funded by the U.S. DOE under a cooperative agreement with the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).
Current CERTS projects through PSERC include:
- Research Area: Reliability and Markets, and Load as a Resource – Tools for Future Grid Engineering and Market Environments
- Development and Testing of New Tools
- Essence of Structure Preserving Network Models and Reductions: An Optimization Approach
- Development of Attribute Preserving Network Equivalents
- Commercialization of the SuperOPF Framework: Phase III (Theme: Co-optimization Stochastic SuperOPF-renewables)
- Research Area: Reliability and Markets, and Load as a Resource – Stochastic Planning, Operations, and Markets Analysis
- Evaluating the Effects of Managing Controllable Demand and Distributed Energy Resources Locally on System Performance and Costs
- Renewable Integration Through Risk-limiting Dispatch and Distributed Resource Aggregation
- Real-time Price Forecast with Big Data: A State Space Approach
- Mapping Energy Futures: The SuperOPF Planning Tool
- Research Area: Reliability and Markets, and Load as a Resource – Demand-Side Markets, Environmental Dispatch, and Reliability
- Nexus of Power Systems Reliability, Economics and Air Quality during High Energy Demand Days
- A Business Model for Retail Aggregation of Responsive Load to Produce Wholesale Demand Side Resources
- Investigation of Advanced Stochastic Unit Commitment Solution for Optimal Management of Uncertainty
- Research Area: Advanced Applications Research and Development
- Automated Reliability Reports Research and Implementation – Post Disturbance Transmission Performance Metrics and Model-less Approach Validation, Prototype and Field Test
More information about CERTS projects can be found by reviewing the presentations at DOE peer reviews:
- 2013 Markets and Reliability Peer Review (Presentations: Day 1, Day 2)
- 2013 Transmission Reliability Peer Review (Presentations: Day 1, Day 2)