2014 Calendar

Jan 21

PSERC Webinar:

New Approaches to Balancing Security and Economy: Risk-Based Security Constrained Economic Dispatch

James D. McCalley, Iowa State University
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Feb 4

PSERC Webinar:

Development of Attribute Preserving Network Equivalents

Tom Overbye, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Feb 18

PSERC Webinar:

Slow Coherency Based Controlled Islanding in Large Power Systems

Vijay Vittal, Arizona State Univ.
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Feb 28-Mar 1

PSERC Executive Committee Retreat

Mar 4

PSERC Webinar:

Simulation Modeling of Power Plant Emission Regulations: Why a Detailed Economic-Engineering-Environmental Model is Needed

Bill Schulze, Cornell Univ.
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Apr 1

PSERC Webinar:

The System Benefits of Managing Demand Flexibility and Storage Efficiently

Eilyan Bitar and Tim Mount, Cornell Univ.
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Apr 22

PSERC Webinar:

What Investments Should Be Made Now? Long-Run Transmission Expansion Under Uncertainty

Ben Hobbs, John Hopkins Univ.
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

May 6

PSERC Webinar:

Testing and Validation of Synchrophasor Devices and Applications

Anurag Srivastava, Washington State Univ.
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

May 28-30

PSERC Industry-University Members Meeting

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Jul 8-10

PSERC Summer Planning Workshop

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Jul 27-31

2014 IEEE Power and Engineering Society General Meeting

Washington, D.C. Metro Area

Sep 16

PSERC Webinar:

Protection Based on Dynamic State Estimation (a.k.a. Setting-less Protection): Status and Vision

Sakis Meliopoulos, Georgia Institute of Technology
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Oct 7

PSERC Webinar:

Phasor-Only State Estimation

Ali Abur, Northeastern University
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Oct 21

PSERC Webinar:

The Effects of Demand Response Programs and Residential Energy Efficiency on Consumer Comfort

Ward Jewell, Wichita State University
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Nov 4

PSERC Webinar:

Transforming the Grid from the Distribution System Out

Tom Jahns and Robert Lasseter, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Nov 18

PSERC Webinar:

Quantifying and Mitigating the Impacts of PV in Distribution Systems

Peuncan Callaway, Univ. of California, Berkeley
(announcement, slides, webinar recording)

Dec 9-12

PSERC Industry-University Members Meeting

Westminster, California

Other PSERC calendars:

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