
Started in 1996 as a National Science Foundation Industry-University Cooperative Research Center, the Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC) draws on researchers’ ingenuity to creatively address key challenges in creating a modern electric energy infrastructure. The multidisciplinary expertise of PSERC’s researchers includes power systems, applied mathematics, complex systems, computing, control theory, power electronics, operations research, non-linear systems, economics, industrial organization, and public policy. PSERC partners with private and public organizations that provide integrated energy services, transmission and distribution services, power system planning, control and oversight, market management services, and public policy development. Currently the PSERC collaboration includes 13 universities and 24 industries.

PSERC provides:

  • efficient access to experienced university researchers in an array of relevant disciplines and geographically located across the U.S.
  • leading-edge research in cost-effective projects jointly developed by industry leaders and university experts
  • high quality education of future power engineers.

How PSERC’s Research Program Works

PSERC’s industry members pay an annual membership fee used to supports PSERC’s research program. Industry members and university researchers collaborate to identify important research needs and creative new ideas. After a solicitation is circulated, research teams, typically from two universities, develop proposals with industry project advisors. The proposals are reviewed by industry members and by academics. The reviews are then provided to  the PSERC’s Director who works with the Executive Committee to develop a recommended set of proposals to move forward. After the proposal are presentated at the December industry-university meeting, industry members vote on the recommendations.

Sometimes industry members provide additional membership funds that can be used for targeted projects that are consistent with PSERC’s research program. This funding often extends an existing line of research, supports demonstrations or use of data from a particular PSERC members, or simply broadens the scope of an existing project.